

Current location : Home > Products > Preparation > Pesticide > 43% biphenylhydrazine ester SC

43% biphenylhydrazine ester SC

43% biphenylhydrazine ester SC

Series: Preparation > Pesticide

Molecular weight:300.35
CAS No.:149877-41-8

Product performance (use):
This product is a new type of hydrazine ester specificity of low toxicity acaricide, active in the spider mite activity, but also control the two leaves of mite and other pests of the egg, its role is mainly to inhibit mitochondrial respiration The When used at the recommended dose, the citrus tree red spider has a better control effect. Under normal conditions of use, there is no adverse effect on the growth of citrus trees and the surrounding non-target organisms.

(1) in strict accordance with the provisions of the dosage and methods used. (2) This product is used in the citrus tree safety interval of 30 days, up to 1 crop per season. (3) It is recommended that pesticides different from other mechanisms of action be used in order to delay the production of resistance. (4) away from the aquaculture area spraying, banned in the river and other water cleaning equipment. Liquid and its waste may not pollute all kinds of waters, soil and other environments. (5) the use of this product should wear protective clothing, wearing protective gloves, masks, etc., to avoid skin contact and nose and mouth inhalation. The use of non-smoking, drinking water and eating, after the timely use of hand, face and other exposed parts of the skin and change clothes. (6) after the drug packaging and used containers should be properly handled, can not do with him, can not be arbitrarily discarded. (7) pregnant women and lactating women to avoid contact with this product.

Poisoning first aid:
After use or after use if you feel unwell, should immediately stop working, take first aid measures, and carry the label to the hospital for treatment. Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing and immediately remove the contaminated pesticide with a soft cloth, rinse with plenty of water and soap. Eyes splash: rinse immediately with running water for not less than 15 minutes. Eating: immediately stop taking, with water full mouthwash, carry pesticide labels to the hospital for treatment. No special antidote, symptomatic treatment.

Storage and transportation:
This product should be stored in a dry, cool, ventilated place, away from fire or heat. Placed in children, unrelated personnel can not reach the place, and locked to save. Do not transport food, seeds, feed and other goods with the same transport.

Use technology and use:

Crop (or range)

Control object

Dosage of the preparation


Citrus trees

Red spider



(1) the amount of hectare used = the amount of mu with the amount of preparation × 15
(2) Total active ingredient concentration (mg / kg) = (preparation content × 1000000) ÷ preparation dilution ratio)
1. The appropriate application of the product for the citrus tree red spider occurrence period, the application of 1, pay attention to spray evenly and thoughtfully. 2. Windy weather or rain within 1 hour, please do not apply.

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